TJ-2950 – Mobile Jaw Crusher Features
Allowing “heavy-duty” and “portable” to truly belong in the same sentence, the TJ-2950 Jaw Crusher places IROCK at the forefront of wheeled crushing machinery. With the widest jaw in its class, the TJ-2950 delivers maximum productivity and pushes the boundaries of industry performance.
The hydraulically adjusted, 48-inch main conveyor comes standard and gives the TJ-2950 the largest stockpile height in its category. This, paired with leading throughput and capacity, make the TJ-2950 the undisputed head of the class.
The integrated, hydraulic-folding Hardox® hopper has nearly 9 cubic yards of capacity, and the Grizzly pre-screen further enhances the TJ-2950’s capabilities and maximizes screening efficiency.
A fast jaw speed leads to better reduction and processes material through the crushing chamber at impressive rates.
The optional overband magnet enables magnetic separation from the source material, adding another level of efficiency to your crushing operation.