M-10036 Series Portable Conveyor Features
An enclosed 30-HP electric motor powers the M-10036E, expanding the versatility and convenience of the 10036 wheeled conveyor series. But the M-10036E does not scrimp on power: It can reach production capacities as high as 500 TPH.
A road-towable design, standard hydraulic V-Bin doors and powerful electric motor — the M-10036EV is the epitome of mobility and productivity. Capable of moving 800 TPH, the M-10036EV is built to handle high-capacity jobs day after day.
Hydraulic V-Bin doors and an adjustable hopper make the M-10036VB an industry leader in efficiency and ease of use. Powered by a hardy CAT 3.4B engine, the M-10036VB moves as much as 800 TPH.
A hydraulic folding system and efficient five-minute on-site setup ensure these conveyors are road towable as well as convenient to not only transport but to get up and running quickly.
The M-10036 series is safe to operate with engine safety shutdown systems and full safety guarding on pinch points, providing peace of mind on large-crew projects.
Ground-level grease points on every pulley provide easy maintenance.
Optional features such as the magnet material separator, hopper extensions, and Martin® scraper help maximize efficiency.